
What is HouseCall Connect?

House Call is a physician designed and tested online tool that links patients to providers through a web portal to remotely monitor patient health status and improve patient outcomes and disease prevention. By using this telehealth tool, providers can make “house calls,” extending their clinical reach by providing a new point of service for clinicians to connect with their patients, especially patients suffering from serious chronic diseases where there are significant advantages from being closely monitored.

How Can HouseCall Connect Serve Providers and Patients?

Housecall is a web-based, easy to use online service which allows healthcare providers and practices to schedule and conduct telehealth visits with their patients. This service is provider/practice controlled, and allows practice’s to extend their reach into their patient’s home.

Why HouseCall Connect?

This tool improves physicians’ capacity to remotely care for patients, especially at risk populations, transitional patients and complex condition management situations. This tool can be used with chronically ill patients who find it challenging to commute to and from outpatient facilities. Using House Call also can optimize accountable models of care where the goal is to reduce costs, hospital readmissions and improve quality of care.

Systems Requirements:

  • In order to use Housecall, you will need a reliable Internet connection, the latest version of either Google Chrome (preferred) or Mozilla Firefox.
  • If you are behind a firewall, allow both TCP and UDP traffic (incoming and outgoing) over ports 80 and 443.
  • For video sessions, you must have a video camera and microphone connected to your computer.